API Documentation
Puppeteer API Documentation
URL: https://api.getpuppeteer.ai/
POST: /chat
URL: https://api.getpuppeteer.ai/chat
This endpoint is used to send a message to the AI and it returns a response. It can be configured to return both a streaming and non-streaming response.
Request Headers
Authorization: API key for their Puppeteer organization OR JWT token for the thread_id
Request Body
thread_id: (Required, String) Identifier for the thread.
message: (Required, String) The actual message content sent by the user.
streaming: (Boolean, Default: False) Flag to indicate if the response is to be streamed.
puppeteer_mode_name: (Required, String) Identifier for the AI product.
start_new_conversation: (Optional, Boolean) If true, ends the current conversation and sends the first message in a new one.
Default Response
message: (String) The generated reply from the AI.
Response contains the generated reply from Chat.
"message": "Hello there! How can I assist you?"
Streaming Response
If streaming is set to true, the response is sent as individual tokens progressively.
Example:{"token": "Hello", "index": 0}
{"token": " ", "index": 1}
{"token": "there", "index": 2}
{"token": "!", "index": 3}
{"token": " How", "index": 4}
{"token": " you?", "index": n}
token: (String) The word or character from the AI's response.
index: (Integer) Position of the token in the full response.
Final Response:
The stream concludes with a final JSON containing the complete message.
"message": "Hello there! How can I assist you?"
Note: A single batch might contain more than one token.
POST: /create_thread
URL: https://api.getpuppeteer.ai/create_thread
This endpoint is used to generate a unique identifier for a new thread
Request Headers
Authorization: API key for their Puppeteer organization.
Request Body
None required for this endpoint.
thread_id: (String) The generated unique identifier for the new thread.
Default Response
Response contains the unique thread id.
"thread_id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 "
POST: /retrieve_conversations
URL: https://api.getpuppeteer.ai/retrieve_conversations
This endpoint is used to retrieve past messages exchanged in a specific thread. Messages are returned in chronological order and the response includes pagination.
Request Headers
Authorization: API key for their Puppeteer organization.
Request Query Parameters
thread_id: (Required, String) Identifier for the thread.
page: (Optional, Integer) The page number to retrieve. Defaults to 1.
limit: (Optional, Integer) Number of messages per page. Defaults to 25.
The response includes one page of conversation history and the pagination details. The messages array includes:
message_id: (String) A unique identifier for the message.
role: (String) The role can be either 'user' or 'AI'.
message: (String) The message content.
conversation_id: (String) The conversation_id of the message
The pagination object includes:
current_page: (Integer) The current page number.
total_pages: (Integer) The total number of pages.
total_items: (Integer) The total number of messages.
Default Response
Response contains one page of conversation history and pagination details.
"messages": [
"message_id": "msg1",
"role": "user",
"message": "Hello, how are you?"
"conversation_id": "12234234"
"message_id": "msg2",
"role": "AI",
"message": "I'm an AI, but I'm functioning as expected. How can I help you?"
"conversation_id": "12234234"
"message_id": "msg3",
"role": "user",
"message": "What's the weather today?"
"conversation_id": "12234234"
"message_id": "msg4",
"role": "AI",
"message": "I'm sorry, but as an AI, I don't have the ability to provide real-time weather updates."
"conversation_id": "12234234"
// More messages...
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"total_pages": 20,
"total_items": 500
POST: /end_conversation
URL: https://api.getpuppeteer.ai/end_conversation
This endpoint is utilized to terminate an active conversation in a specific thread and start a new one.
Request Headers
Authorization: API key for their Puppeteer organization.
Request Body
thread_id: (Required, String) Identifier for the thread for whom a conversation is to be terminated.
If successful:
message: A success message confirming that the conversation was terminated.
If there is an error:
If there was an error:
Error: Error message describing the nature of the issue.
HTTP Status: 400:
Example request
Response contains the unique thread id.
POST https://api.getpuppeteer.ai/end_conversation
"Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
"thread_id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"
POST: /get_followup
This endpoint is used to receive a proactive message from the AI, without having sent a message.
Request Headers
Authorization: API key for their Puppeteer organization
Request Body
thread_id: (Required, String) Identifier for the thread.
streaming: (Boolean, Default: False) Flag to indicate if the response is to be streamed.
puppeteer_mode_name: (Required, String) Identifier for the AI product.
start_new_conversation: (Optional, Boolean) If true, ends the current conversation and sends the first message in a new one.
Default Response
message: (String) The generated reply from the AI.
Response contains the generated reply from Chat.
"message": "Hello there! How can I assist you?"
Streaming Response
If streaming is set to true, the response is sent as individual tokens progressively.
{"token": "Hello", "index": 0}
{"token": " ", "index": 1}
{"token": "there", "index": 2}
{"token": "!", "index": 3}
{"token": " How", "index": 4}
{"token": " you?", "index": n}
token: (String) The word or character from the AI's response.
index: (Integer) Position of the token in the full response.
Final Response:
The stream concludes with a final JSON containing the complete message.
"message": "Hello there! How can I assist you?"
Note: A single batch might contain more than one token.
POST: /retrieve_conversation_summary
URL: https://api.getpuppeteer.ai/retrieve_conversation_summary
This endpoint is used to retrieve a summary of the current conversation in a given thread.
Request Headers
Authorization: API key for their Puppeteer organization.
Request Body:
thread_id: (Required, String) Identifier for the user interacting with the AI.
Default Response
conversation_summary: (String) A summarized recap of the key points covered in the current conversation.
If there is an error:
error: (String) Error message describing the issue.
status_code: (Integer) HTTP status code.
Example Response:
"conversation_summary": "We just discussed the weather today."
POST: /generate-token/{thread_id}
This endpoint is used to generate a JSON Web Token (JWT) for the specified thread ID. The JWT can be used to authenticate subsequent requests to the API.
Request Headers
Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY
Request Parameters
thread_id: (Required, String) Identifier for the thread.
access_token: (String) The generated JWT.
Example Response:
"access_token": "YOUR_JWT"